Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Ep 062 ” You are a Banana”

Creative Riding Ep 062 ” You are a Banana”

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Hey everyone, it’s episode 62!

We have to start out talking about the rain. When I was a kid (and even in to adulthood) I have been told time and time again that California is going to separate from the mainland and become an island. Or worse yet- sink.
There is a crappy country song about it, and there’s even a Tool song about it.
It was supposed to happen because of “the big one”. An earthquake along the San Andreas fault line, so powerful, that it rips Cali off the map. Well, turns out Cali might slip off the map after all, but not because of some mega-quake. Instead, the long-running drought might have more to do with the land leaving the hillsides and running out to the sea one grain at a time.
Many places across the state are suffering land slides. In the Santa Cruz mountains roads are literally falling down cliff sides, and in the Central Coast areas there is flooding similar to what the midwestern plains suffer on a regular basis.

I won’t complain too much, because I know that the weather has taken a turn for the nasty all across the USA this week in general.

Don’t forget to submit an entry to the Solstice Slam this year. Entries are due before March 24th, and there is a special giveaway to accompany the top three entrants.

Johnny J and the Flatfoot Floogies have donated 3 special colored vinyl records (includes a digital download for you non-hipsters) to promote their upcoming show that nearly coincides with the Solstice Slam. The top spot will enjoy a special edition vinyl and a few extras that I’m personally throwing in to sweeten the pot. May include pocket lint, a sticker, and a drawing of my pet.

Submit your entries no later than Mar. 23rd to:

Would you like to build a bike this year? I would certainly like to get my buns in gear and get my bike projects locked down on a doable timeline.
In order to start building, you must take the first step: buy a cheap bike and hack it up!
If you need information or inspiration for your build, we cover some popular and not so popular bike blogs that will help you decide what bike might be best for you, and ultimately show you that your mind is the limit.
I’ll include some links to resources at the end of the post.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you should really get buyin’ that present that your significant other will love. Check out Daily Bikers for that special gift that truly says “BRRRAAAAP” in your sweetheart’s ear. https://www.dailybikersstore.com

Lastly, let’s wrap up the show with an article that I wrote for the blog. You are a banana. Face it. Now let me tell you why.

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